Photo Gallery
Claudia and Fabrizio, Eurovision Song contest final
Saint Valentine's Day on snow, park snow donovaly
presentation of slovak tourism, MTT wroclaw, Poland
dance flying team of pro-staff
Jizerska magistrala, bedřichov, Czech Republic
company event, fancy ball, Hewlett packard, Poland
event in shopping centre, Wroclaw, Poland
Tourism trade fair, slovak tourist board
Tourism trade fair, hotel group Sorea
New Year's Eve Party 2009, Hotel Kaskády, Slovakia
Winter event, Park Snow, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia
Christmas party, Slovak Credit Bureau
Olympic Games, Siemens Germany
Event in shopping centre Aupark, Slovakia
Santa Claus, Dell Computers
Kids Party in hotel Kormoran, Slovakia
Animation program - Water parc, Aquacity Poprad
Kids activities
Evening Shows
Animation teams - funny photos
Animation teams - official photos
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